Author Archives: John Willis

How Prior Personal Injury Decisions May Affect Your Slip and Fall Case
Tennessee law is largely based on precedent. Basically, this means that when a judge is deciding your case, he or she will look to previous cases involving similar situations before determining the appropriate outcome for your dispute. But not all precedents are equally helpful. For instance, the facts of every personal injury claim are… Read More »

How Long Do I Have to File a Product Liability Claim in Tennessee?
Product liability claims in Tennessee are subject to certain time limits. Specifically, Tennessee law states that a person who is harmed due to a defective product must bring a lawsuit within 1 year of the date of injury. This is known as the statute of limitations. But there is also a second deadline, known… Read More »

Jury Orders C.F. Bard to Pay $3.6 Million in IVC Filter Case
There are currently thousands of defective medical device lawsuits pending against C.R. Bard, Inc., the New Jersey-based manufacturer of IVC filters. An IVC filter is supposed to “catch” blood clots in the body before they travel up a person’s inferior vena cava and cause a potentially fatal pulmonary embolism. However, many patients have suffered… Read More »

Federal Appeals Court Reinstates Lawsuit Against Johnson & Johnson Over PROLENE Hernia Mesh
Personal injury claims involving defective medical devices are often difficult for plaintiffs because they are themselves not experts. Many patients simply accept whatever medical advice they are given and do not fully understand exactly what devices–or brands–are being implanted in their bodies. Of course when it comes to filing a lawsuit, it is critical… Read More »

Will Store Surveillance Video Help or Hurt My Slip and Fall Claim?
In any type of accident case, it is important to gather as much evidence as possible from the scene. In a car accident, for instance, you should try and take photos of the vehicles right away to help document any property damage. Similarly, if there is any video footage of what happened, that can… Read More »

What Happens If the Jury Thinks I’m Equally to Blame in My Personal Injury Lawsuit?
In personal injury lawsuits, the defendant will often try and shift the blame to the plaintiff. For example, if there is an accident involving two cars, the defendant driver may attempt to argue it was the plaintiff who was actually driving recklessly. Or even if the defendant admits doing something wrong, he may still… Read More »

FDA Targets Opioid-Containing Dietary Supplements
As opioid addiction continues to ravage many Tennessee communities, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken action against the manufacturers of so-called dietary supplements that contain opioid compounds. More than two years ago, the FDA directed federal marshals to seize over 90,000 bottles of supplements containing kratom, the common name for a… Read More »

Could Your Child’s Carrier Lead to a Traumatic Brain Injury?
When we talk about traumatic brain injuries, we are usually thinking about motor vehicle accidents where a car is traveling at a significant rate of speed. But younger children can sustain a concussion or similar traumatic brain injury when traveling in much more low-tech vehicles such as strollers and carriers. Indeed, according to a… Read More »

Does Riding in a Bicycle Group Mean You Assume the Risk of a Fatal Accident?
Everyone who operates a vehicle on the road needs to exercise proper care for the safety of themselves and those around them. This applies not just to large vehicles such as cars and trucks, but also bicycles. Bicycle safety is especially important when riding in a paceline, i.e. a group of bicyclists who travel… Read More »

How Comparative Fault Can Affect Your Personal Injury Award
Comparative fault is a critical concept in a Knoxville personal injury case. The basic idea is simple enough. A court must determine the relative fault of the plaintiff, if any, and reduce his or her damage award accordingly. But under no circumstances can a plaintiff recover if their comparative fault was equal to or… Read More »