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Tennessee Personal Injury Lawyer
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Benefits offered to help injured workers cope

Tennessee offers a variety of benefits to employees who are injured in the course of doing their jobs. These benefits are designed to help workers and their families get through these difficult times, especially if the injured employee is unable to work.

Perhaps the most important benefit offered to injured workers is medical care. Workers’ compensation will pay for medical care as long as the treatment is related to the workplace accident. The worker’s authorized treating physician must order the medical care, which can include surgery, hospitalization, supplies, medications and nursing services. Future medical care related to the injury is also covered.

Another important benefit is temporary disability pay that begins on the eighth day the employee is off work. If the disability lasts longer than 14 days, the wage loss payment is retroactive to the first day of missed work. This pay is usually about two-thirds of the worker’s average weekly wage.

If a worker’s injuries are determined to be permanent, he or she may be eligible for physical therapy and pain management. The worker may also be entitled to a monetary settlement based on the severity of the injury. If a worker dies from workplace injuries, the state pays a one-time burial benefit. The surviving spouse and any dependent children may be eligible for payments to help make up for family’s loss of income.

In order to receive these workers’ compensation benefits, injured workers must report their injuries to their employer in a timely manner. They must also follow all treatment instructions from medical providers. If they do not, they could lose these benefits. If this should happen, they may want to consult a workers’ compensation attorney who may advocate to the insurance company for reinstatement of benefits.

Source: tn.gov, “Benefits”, October 20, 2014

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