Three Things You Should Know if You Were Recently Injured in a Car Accident in Knoxville

There is no doubt that being involved in a major and serious car accident can be life-threatening, life-altering, and downright difficult to deal with. Indeed, the aftermath of a car accident can take a toll on any person, as the physical challenges of the healing process, the obligations of daily life, and the constant pace of keeping up with finances all come to a head. Accordingly, it can be overwhelming for a Knoxville car accident victim to think about contacting a lawyer to discuss whether they may have a case for compensation, even when the car accident that injured them was clearly not their fault. But is it safe to wait to speak with a lawyer about your case, or should you consult with an experienced attorney as soon as possible? To help Knoxville car accident survivors better understand why they should reach out to a lawyer as soon as possible, we discuss that question here.
Why Reach Out to a Lawyer? Getting “Low Balled” by Insurance Companies
The first reason that a Knoxville car accident victim should get in touch with a lawyer as soon as possible after they are injured is that the driver who caused the car accident’s insurance company will more than likely get in touch to try to resolve the case. Early settlement is in the interests of only the insurance company (and the negligent driver), and it is important to not sign anything from the insurance company until you have consulted with a lawyer. Otherwise, you may end up with the bad end of the deal.
Hesitant to Get Started? You Do Not Have Much Time
Another reason to get started with your personal injury car accident claim by speaking with a lawyer is that there is only a limited amount of time to file your claim, and waiting will not help you. Under Tennessee personal injury and procedural laws, a Knoxville car accident victim only has 1 year to bring their case in court, or it is forever barred from being brought. Accordingly, speaking with an experienced Knoxville car accident lawyer is very important in initiating your case as soon as possible.
Have No Experience with Lawyers? Your Legal Team is Here to Help
No one likes the idea of having to turn to a lawyer for help, but the truth of the matter is that a Knoxville car accident lawyer is a valuable asset to your case, and someone that you want on your side to represent you in your Knoxville car accident case. An experienced car accident lawyer can help advise you as to the evidence you need in your case, the strengths and weaknesses, possible recovery, and can represent your interests at mediation and in court. Therefore, it is best to keep an open mind and learn more about your rights and options under the law.
If you were injured in a car accident in Knoxville, do not hesitate to reach out to an experienced lawyer today. Contact the experienced Knoxville car accident lawyers at Fox Farley Willis & Burnette, PLLC and learn about your rights and options under Tennessee laws now.