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Pedestrian Killed after Being Hit by Two Cars in Knoxville, Rights and Options of Knoxville Families if a Loved One is Killed in a Fatal Pedestrian Accident


News of an unfortunate and fatal pedestrian accident hit headlines in Knoxville this week, and the terrible accident raises the profile of wrongful death claims in the Marble City. According to news reports, on Sunday, December 1, just after the Thanksgiving Holiday, a Knoxville man was killed in a pedestrian accident as he was crossing I-40 East at Papermill Drive. Investigators indicate that the fatal pedestrian accident occurred at around 10:30 p.m. in the evening. The Knoxville Police Department reported that, “…a male pedestrian was fatally struck initially by a Honda SUV and then a Mazda SUV after attempting to run across I-40 East for unknown reasons. Both involved vehicles remained on scene.” The male pedestrian that was killed in the multi-car accident was not identified to the public, but the Knoxville Police Department has tentatively identified him. The investigation into the accident is ongoing, and, as of the date of the most recent reports, there is no news that criminal charges will be filed in the accident.

Tennessee Wrongful Death Laws Entitle Knoxville Families to Justice for the Loss of Their Loved Ones Due to Negligently-Caused Pedestrian Accidents

Although it is unclear whether any negligence on the part of the drivers contributed to the recent pedestrian accident in Knoxville in which the male pedestrian was killed, the recent case helps to bring an important issue in Knoxville to light: the rights of Knoxville families when a loved one is killed in a pedestrian accident by a negligent driver. Under Tennessee Code § 20-5-106, “The right of action that a person who dies from injuries received from another, or whose death is caused by the wrongful act, omission, or killing by another, would have had against the wrongdoer, in case death had not ensued, shall not abate or be extinguished by the person’s death but shall pass to the person’s surviving spouse and, in case there is no surviving spouse, to the person’s children or next of kin; to the person’s personal representative, for the benefit of the person’s surviving spouse or next of kin; to the person’s natural parents or parent or next of kin if at the time of death decedent was in the custody of the natural parents or parent and had not been legally surrendered or abandoned by them pursuant to any court order removing such person from the custody of such parents or parent; or otherwise to the person’s legally adoptive parents or parent, or to the administrator for the use and benefit of the adoptive parents or parent; the funds recovered in either case to be free from the claims of creditors.” Accordingly, certain close surviving family members of those who have been killed in negligent pedestrian accidents in Knoxville may be entitled to bring a claim for compensation for the death of their loved one against the negligent driver who caused their death. There is a limited time to bring a wrongful death claim in Knoxville, so it is best to speak to an experienced Knoxville pedestrian accident lawyer as soon as possible about your case.

If you or your loved one were injured in a pedestrian accident in Knoxville and you need legal help, contact the experienced Knoxville pedestrian accident lawyers at the law firm Fox Farley Willis & Burnett, PLLC. Call Fox Farley Willis & Burnette PLLC and speak to a lawyer about your case now.



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