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Patients Contract HIV at Unlicensed Medical Spa: A Warning for All of Us

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

There are a lot of seemingly routine procedures at health spas that can cause serious injury. Even manicures and pedicures can cause serious injury, and lead to infection, some of which have led to amputation of limbs. But there’s a new trend in health spas that is now causing the Centers for Disease Control… Read More »

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No Pain at First? You Still Could be Seriously Injured

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

Let’s say that you are in an accident. You get hurt, you get medical treatment, and after treatment and consultation with the doctor, you know what’s wrong with you. It would be convenient if it worked just that way. But in reality, it often doesn’t. That’s because the human body often doesn’t tell you… Read More »

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Incomplete and Missing Product Labels: A Failure to Warn

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

Have you ever noticed how many instruction labels are on products or items that we use in our daily lives? Some make sense—like instructions telling us when to use and not use prescription drugs. Others seem a little comical, like labels telling us not to eat what clearly are inedible items. But those items… Read More »

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Patient Falls in Nursing Homes: How Do They Happen?

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

Much has been made and published about the ways that people can get injured in nursing homes. From active abuse to neglect, our most vulnerable population is often the group that suffers the most when nursing homes are understaffed, or poorly trained. But there is another danger in nursing homes—falls. And before you think… Read More »

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Misdiagnosis Medical Malpractice Cases Can be Difficult Cases

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

When doctors commit malpractice it sometimes isn’t so much that they did something wrong, or botched a procedure, or did something “poorly.” Often, the problem is that they didn’t do anything at all, or else, that they completely diagnosed what you actually had, with something else, called misdiagnosis. Like “active malpractice,” where the doctor… Read More »

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Defenses to Product Liability Cases

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

If you are injured by a product that is broken, made dangerously, or defective, it may seem like the case is an easy one. After all, you didn’t make the product wrong, they did. But you may be surprised to know that there are common defenses to product liability cases. Strict Liability Victims of… Read More »

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More Than Abuse: How Else Do Patients Get Hurt in Nursing Homes?

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

The internet and the news media are filled with horrific stories of the elderly and infirm, being abused in nursing homes. Often, these stories are accompanied by video, showing someone from the nursing home physically abusing an infirm resident. But while horrific and intolerable, these aren’t the only ways that people get abused in… Read More »

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Accidents and Insurance Involving Food Delivery Services

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

Many people have written about the liability issues, when you are in an accident involving a rideshare company, like Uber or Lyft. But rideshare companies don’t just carry passengers—they also carry goods, and especially food. Are the legal issues different, when you are injured by a rideshare company that is delivering food instead of… Read More »

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Will Your Case Require the Testimony of an Expert Witness?

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

Will your injury lawsuit require the testimony of an expert? That’s a question your personal injury attorney can answer, but you may be wondering why experts are needed, in any case. Why can’t everybody just testify what happened, and let the jury make its decision? The Rules of Evidence The reason why experts are… Read More »

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Suing Businesses for Putting Intoxicated People on the Road

By Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette |

Imagine that you or a family member has been seriously injured because of a drunk driver. You have a good case—the drunk driver is clearly liable and negligent—but your attorney has bad news for you. Although liable, the other side carried little or no insurance coverage; certainly not enough to fully and fairly compensate… Read More »

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