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Tennessee Personal Injury Lawyers > Sevierville Personal Injury Lawyer > Sevierville Bus/Trolley Accident Lawyer

Sevierville Bus/Trolley Accident Lawyer

For both passengers riding the bus and motorists sharing Eastern Tennessee roads with them, there is a risk of serious injuries in an accident involving these massive vehicles. Statistics from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) are proof of this point, as there are approximately 240

fatal collisions involving buses every year nationwide. Another 28,000 people suffer injuries in these crashes, from long-distance and short route buses to trolleys and municipal public transit. The physical, financial, and emotional losses are tremendous, so it is encouraging to know that personal injury laws provide victims with legal options.

However, bus accidents work somewhat differently compared to what you may know about traffic collisions. These cases can be more complex, so it is wise to trust our team at Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette to advocate for you in the legal process. We serve injured victims throughout Sevier County, and we are aggressive in pursuing all at-fault parties. Please contact our firm to schedule a no-cost case evaluation with a Sevierville bus & trolley accident lawyer, though an overview is also helpful.

How Liability Works for Tennessee Bus Collisions

There are two different scenarios involved with these cases, so the concepts of liability may vary:

  1. If you were in another vehicle when struck by a bus or trolley, your claim works according to the principles of negligence. You must prove that the accident was the result of the operator’s failure to exercise reasonable care behind the wheel.
  2. The duty of care is higher when you are a passenger riding the bus, a vehicle that is considered a common carrier. The driver must use the utmost care, diligence, and attentiveness to ensure safe transport of occupants. An operator may breach this duty by:
    1. Making sudden, unnecessary stops;
    2. Taking turns erratically or too quickly;
    3. Failing to monitor passengers entering and leaving the vehicle; and
    4. Speeding and violating traffic laws.

Steps in the Legal Process

You will be filing a claim after being injured in a bus crash, but the details vary according to the entity that operates the vehicle. With a private company, you work with an insurance company; if you were riding a bus operated by the government, you will be dealing with a public agency. You can rely on Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette to file the necessary documents with the proper entity and attempt to negotiate settlement. If the at-fault party will not pay a fair amount, we will file a lawsuit in court.

Our Sevierville bus and trolley accident attorneys will seek compensation for such losses as:

  • Costs of medical care;
  • Lost income;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Scarring and disfigurement;
  • Emotional anguish; and
  • Other losses that impact your quality of life.

Consult with a Sevierville Bus and Trolley Accident Lawyer to Learn More

For additional details about your legal options, please contact Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette to set up a free consultation. You can reach a Sevierville bus and trolley accident lawyer by calling 866-862-4855 or checking out our website.

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