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Tennessee Personal Injury Lawyers > Sevierville Family Lawyer

Sevierville Family Lawyer

All families will have disagreements from time to time. When a family has a legal dispute, though, the matter becomes very emotional and possibly contentious. The Tennessee statutes outline how these disagreements are to be resolved, but that does not always mean a family law matter will turn into a courtroom battle. The majority of disputes in family law resolve in settlements reached after negotiations between the two sides. Below, our Sevierville family lawyer explains the most common disputes we can help you with.


Divorce is the most common family law issue in Sevierville. A divorce will legally terminate a marriage between two spouses. In Sevierville, and throughout Tennessee, there are many different grounds for divorce.

When a couple obtains a fault-based divorce, they can do so on the grounds of inappropriate marital conduct, a felony conviction, habitual drunkenness, and more. If you file a fault-based divorce, you must also prove your allegations. However, there are benefits to it. For example, if your spouse wasted marital funds on an affair, you may have the right to pursue alimony or more in property division.

As in most states, couples can also get legally separated in Tennessee. A legal separation does not legally dissolve a marriage the same way divorce does. It does, though, allow a couple to live separate and apart, as well as separate some of their property. Many people legally separate instead of divorce due to religious or personal reasons, or to decide if they want to go through with the divorce. A legal separation of two years can also provide grounds for a no-fault divorce.

Child Custody and Support

When a married couple gets a divorce, or a couple is never married, issues of child custody and child support must be resolved. The only factors considered in child custody decisions are the best interests of the child. These include the relationship between the child and each parent, which parent has served as the primary caregiver, the child’s preference in certain situations, and more.

When one parent is awarded primary residential status, the other parent typically pays child support. Child support is used to help cover the expenses of the child including their food, clothing, shelter, and extracurricular activities.

Premarital and Postnuptial Agreements

Premarital agreements are becoming more common today. These legal documents which property a spouse will keep in the event that they get a divorce in the future. Premarital agreements can also include provisions for alimony. Postnuptial agreements work largely the same way as prenups. The only difference between the two is that a postnuptial agreement is signed after, and not before, the wedding. While these legal contracts can address the division of property, they cannot include provisions for child custody or child support.

Our Family Law Attorney in Sevierville Can Provide the Legal Help You Need

If you have a family law issue, you need sound legal advice. At Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette, our Sevierville family law lawyer can provide it. We offer sound legal advice during your difficult time and will work hard to ensure the best possible outcome. Call us now at 865-225-6784 or contact us online to schedule a consultation and to get more information.

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