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One Injured After Multiple Vehicle Crash on Interstate 26


Washington County, TN (November 16, 2020) One person was transported to the hospital with injuries following a crash that occurred on Interstate 26 in Washington County. While the crash led to the blockage of both lanes, Interstate 26 has since fully reopened. Washington County Emergency Communications first reported the accident at 5:56 a.m. close to mile marker 15. Due to the crash, at least one individual was transported to the ambulance with injuries.

The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security has found that so far in 2020 there were 2,533 car crashes in Washington county. This includes 2,117 accidents involving property damage only, 410 crashes involving injuries, and 6 collisions involving fatalities. While it will not eliminate the risk of ending up in a deadly car crash, motorists can take some helpful steps to greatly reduce their chances of being involved in a car crash. Besides often repeated advice like always wearing a seatbelt and eliminating distractions, motorists should get in the habit of practicing defensive driving. The basics of defensive driving involve minimizing risk and predicting hazards that might arise on the road. 

Contact a Tennessee Car Crash Attorney                 

Tennessee car crashes occur suddenly and often leave victims unsure about how to proceed to obtain compensation. If you or a loved one has been injured in a Tennessee car crash, you should not hesitate to speak with an experienced accident attorney. Schedule a free case evaluation with Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette today.


Note: This post was written based on available resources, news stories, and online reports about this incident. As is often the case with fast breaking news, there is always the risk that some details are still being shared and uncovered. Please contact us if you notice any information that should be changed or added. Thanks!

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