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Pigeon Forge Boat Accident Lawyer

Boating is a favorite activity throughout Tennessee, with Douglas Lake and the French Broad River being a top destination for families in Sevier County. Of course, any water-based activity carries its risks, especially when it involves a motorized vessel. According to the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, there are approximately 160 reportable incidents on state lakes, rivers, and other navigable waters annually. The number of boating fatalities has seen an extreme spike recently, quadrupling in just a few short years. Plus, more than 80 people are injured in boat accidents, leading to devastating losses.

Many boat accidents are preventable, so it is encouraging to know that you have options for recovering compensation if you were hurt or lost a loved one. Our attorneys at Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette will guide you through the legal process, as we have extensive experience representing victims in Eastern Tennessee. Please contact us to set up a no-cost consultation with a Pigeon Forge boat accident lawyer, and review some important information about your rights.

Liability in Tennessee Boat Accident Claims

Like other personal injury accidents, incidents on the water usually happen because of operator negligence. This term has a specific definition in the practice of law, since it requires you to prove certain facts to recover compensation. You must show that the person driving the vessel failed to use reasonable care in operating it, and this breach of duty was the reason the boat accident occurred. Some of the most common types of boat operator negligence include:

  • Failure to keep a proper lookout;
  • Speeding;
  • Neglecting to maintain the watercraft in a safe, seaworthy condition;
  • Drinking alcohol or consuming drugs while operating the boat;
  • Not complying with navigational markers; and
  • Operating the vessel in dangerous weather or water conditions.

How to Recover Damages

Besides the operator, there could be multiple potential parties to pursue in a boat accident claim. A company that leases watercraft, operators of harbors and marinas, touring companies, operators of cargo vessels and barges, and many others could be at fault. Still, you will typically be dealing with an insurance company, so the legal process starts with filing a claim. It may be possible to settle by agreement, but insurers are in business for profit. They will try to find ways to avoid paying you, forcing you to sue in court.

Our Pigeon Forge boat accident lawyers at Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette will take care of the legal process. It is our goal to ensure you receive fair compensation for:

  • The costs of medical care, including surgery, hospitalization, and other treatment;
  • Lost income;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Emotional distress; and
  • Lost or diminished quality of life resulting from your injuries.

Our Pigeon Forge Boat Accident Lawyers Will Advise You on Options

To learn more about your remedies after being hurt in a fatal or injury-causing incident on the water, please contact Fox, Farley, Willis & Burnette at 866-862-4855 or via our website. We can schedule a free case review with a Pigeon Forge boat accident lawyer who can provide additional details.

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